Holy Family Academy is excited to introduce Mr. Tim Meinholz as the new headmaster of the academy. Mr. Meinholz has taught in public and private schools for the last 15 years. In that time, he has mainly taught grades 3rd through 5th, with experience in grades 1st through 8th. Besides his classroom duties, he has been part of School Improvement Teams for two different districts as well as a Curriculum Renewal Committee. He has specialized as a Math Coach, and has extensive training in Math instructions for grades three through five. This specialty allowed him to teach the gifted and talented in math during his time in the Middleton Cross Plains District. He was nominated for the Presidential Award for Academic Excellence in Math and Science. He holds a BA in Elementary Education from Edgewood College and a Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Phoenix. He was active for many years as a soccer Coach for various clubs, including the Madison 56ers, Middleton United, and Magic Soccer Club. When he is not fulfilling his duties at school, he enjoys spending time with his best friend and wife, Kate, and his seven children. His pastimes include playing games and sports with his children as well as reading and gardening

Our two hired teacher assistants are Miss Anne Marie Deans and Miss Veronica Meinholz. Miss Deans assists with the kindergarten and first grade and Miss Meinholz assists more with the middle and upper grades. We are beyond grateful for their help and assistance.

Our School Board

Our school board consists of 5 members. Some members of the board are also the founders of Holy Family Academy. They founded the school as an investment in their children’s future and they are passionate about leading the school prayerfully and thoughtfully. As an act of confidence in Our Blessed Mother and a request for her assistance with this venture, the board members began this project by consecrating themselves entirely to her.
The members of the board (left to right): Joe La Fave (Secretary), Charles Uebersetzig (President & Treasurer), Anne Uebersetzig, Ryan Porter, (not pictured) Ryan Nelson.